nedjelja, 23. listopada 2016.

Gypsy glam

Evo mene opet. Opet sam u nekom sivilu. Barem što se tiče outfita. Ne znam zašto, mislim da kiša i neispavanost tako djeluju na mene. U prošlom postu sam također bila sva tamna, sljedeći post će bit veseliji i pun boja. Mora bit, fali mi to.

Na prvi pogled ova kombinacija se možda i ne bi svakom svidjela, ali ja se baš cool osjećam u njoj. Haljina je iz New Yorkera i uživo izgleda još bolje, jedna od rijetkih tako uskih haljina, a sakrije sva kritična područja.

A sad – kaput. Svako malo me netko zaustavi i pita gdje sam ga kupila i svakoga apsolutno šokiram odgovorom. Ovaj kaput je kupljen u second hand shopu za nekih 5-10kn! Već dugo nisam bila u jednom, ali uglavnom odem dok im je sve po istoj cijeni (prvo kreću od 30kn pa sve niže i niže). Mislim da je ovo muški kaput i to neki ogroman, rukavi su predugački, ali zato sam ih ovako zavrnula. U trenu kad sam ga kupovala nisam baš niti bila sigurna jel mi se sviđa, sviđao mi se uzorak i bio je jeftin, tako da sam ga odlučila kupit i kad doma dođem odlučit sviđa li mi se ili ne. U najgorem slučaju mi se ne bi svidio i dala bi ga u crveni križ. Tako da zapravo lošeg scenarija nije bilo. Obožavam ga baš zato što je tako oversized i paše na apsolutno sve, pogotovo kada nosim neku debelu vestu.

Što se tiče nakita, mislim da su narukvice kupljene na eBayu i to iz razloga jer sam se htjela osjećati kao Kleopatra :D Možda je glup razlog, ali da mi podignu samopouzdanje – podignu! Lančić je sa Aliexpressa, iskreno ne nosim ga tako često, ne znam zašto, morat ću to promijenit.

Već sam se previše raspisala, ali još malo, čisto da podijelim s vama svoju sreću – mislim da naaapokon počinjem imati malo više definirane mišiće na rukama! Možda je to promjena koju samo ja vidim, ali nekako me to veseli i samo još više jedva čekam da odem u teretanu i vježbat, napredak je definitivno najbolji motivator!

Zagrljaji i puse,


Hello! Once again – all in grey. I do not know why, but I think the rain and lack of sleep do that to me. In my last post I was also in dark colors, the next post will be a bit more cheerful and full of colors. It has to be, I miss it.

At first glance, this combination might not be liked by everybody, but I just feel so cool wearing it. The dress is from the New Yorker and it looks so much better in person, one of the few tight dresses that hide all the critical areas.

And now – the coat. Every now and then someone stopped and asked where I bought it and nobody believes me when I say where I got it. This coat was bought in second hand shop for 5-10kn (1-2$)! I think this is male coat and it is huge, sleeves are too long, that is why i pulled them up. In the moment when I bought it I wasn't even sure if I like it, I liked the pattern, and it was cheap, so I decided to buy it and when I come home decide if I like it or not. In the worst case scenario, I would not like it and give it to the Red Cross. So there really wasn't any bad scenario. I love it just because it is so oversized and goes with absolutely everything, especially when you wear a thick sweater.

As for jewelry, I think the bracelets are purchased on eBay and the reason is that I wanted to feel like Cleopatra :D  Maybe it's a stupid reason, but it is definitely a confidence boost! Necklace is from AliExpress, honestly I do not wear it very often, I do not know why, I'll have to change that.

I have already said too much, but just a little more, just to share with you my happiness - I think finally begain  to have a little more defined arm muscles! Maybe this is the change I can only see, but somehow I am looking forward to this and now i can't wait to go to the gym, progress is definitely the best motivator!

Hugs and kisses,


subota, 15. listopada 2016.


Da znam, nemam izgovora. Mislim da je prošlo dva mjeseca od zadnjeg posta. Opet imam iste izgovore – faks, nisam imala vremena itd. Zvučim već ko pokvarena ploča, tako da neću trošit tipke na pisanje istih jadnih izgovora.

Uglavnom, jedva sam čekala da uslikam ovu haljinu. Obožavam ju! Kao što iz samog naslova možete zaključiti,radi se od brendu LOLA.tees i mislim da već i vrapci na granama znaju za njih. Sve njihove proizvode možete naći na ovdje.

Čemu obožavanje? Imam milijun i jedan razlog, ali napisat ću ih par. Prvo i najbitnije – jako je topla. Drugo i zapravo jednako bitno – NATPIS! Ljudi moji, opsjednuta sam s njime, to je dijalog iz knjige Kuća hiljadu maski, a napisao ju je Igor Kolarov. Znam da svatko traži svoje mjesto u svijetu i neki se vole utopiti u masi i to je oke, ali ja nisam takva. Ne želim izgledati, a ni ponašati se kao ostali. Ponašat ću se u skladu s onime što mislim da je ispravno, više puta su mi rekli da svijet gledam kroz ružičaste naočale, govorili kako će me netko opako zeznuti – ali neka, to je njima na dušu, meni je bitno da ja sama sebe ujutro mogu pogledat u ogledalo bez ikakve grižnje savjesti. Što se tiče oblačenja – nikad ne možeš svima ugodit, zato ugodi sebi i ne obaziri se na tuđe poglede i komentare.

Uvijek će bit onih koji će ti se rugat i smijat, ali shvati to kao kompliment, ostavila/ostavio si toliki utisak da ljudi još 5 dana poslije imaju potrebu pričati o tebi.

Zagrljaji i puse



Yes, I know, I have no excuses. I think it's been two months since last post. Again I have the same excuses - studying, did not have time and so on. I sound like a broken record, so I will stop with this lame excuses.

Basically, I could not wait to take a picture of this dress. I love it! You can tell by the title - it's LOLA.tees and I believe that everybody knows about them. All their products can be found here.

Why do I love it so much? I have a million and one reasons, but I will write a few. First and most importantly - very warm and cozy. The second and equally important fact - PRINT! It says: “For God's sake, Efi, why can’t you be like other girls? Because the world is full of other girls”.  Boy, I'm obsessed with it, this is the dialogue from the book House of thousand masks, written by Igor Kolarov. I know that everyone is looking for their place in the world and some like to drown in the crowd and that is okay, but I'm not like that. I do not want to look or behave like the others. I will behave in way I think is right, people repeatedly told me that I look at the world through pink glasses, saying that someone will screw me up - but I don’t care, that is up to them and their conscience, I just want to look myself in the mirror and be proud of myself.  As for the way I dress - you can never please everybody, so please yourself and don’t care if people stare at you or comment you.

There will always be those who will mock or laugh at you, but you need to realize that that is a compliment, you left such an impression that people  five days later still have a need to talk about you.

Hugs and kisses!



srijeda, 17. kolovoza 2016.


Znam, grozna sam. Skoro mjesec dana nikakav post nije bio objavljen. Stvarno bi htjela imati neko dobro opravdanje,ali nemam ga. Trudila sam se barem na Facebooku objavljivati čisto da ne ispadne da sam nestala s lica zemlje, ili ne daj Bože da sam odustala od bloga.

Što se tiče ovog outfita, mislim da se nema što posebno opisivat. Ovo je ljetna kombinacija koju apsolutno svatko može isfurat. Suknja je kupljena u H&M-u i dugo vremena sam mislila da suknje A kroja jednostavno nisu za mene i patila sam zbog toga, a onda sam vidjela ovu prekrasnu zelenu i rekla ko ga šiša – yolo! Doslovno se ne skidam iz nje, najradije bi sama sebi opalila šamar jer imam neke lude fiks ideje i predrasude u glavi i samo klimam ne-ne umjesto da normalno isprobam i vidim. Mislim da to svi radimo, tak da ajmo si sad svi skupno opalit šamar (yolo).

Topić je bio poklon i naravno s njim mi je trebala mamina pomoć da na gornji rub stavi gumu (jer inače bi bili baš „veselo“). Jedini minus je to što stvarno ne mogu imat grudnjak, leđa su jednostavno prenisko rezana.

A sad, najdraži dio – kruna! Ovo sam sama napravila. Stalno sam po dućanima viđala krune i sve koje bi mi se svidjele bi bile oko 100kn, a stvarno mi nije padalo na pamet davat te novce za tri cvijeta. Očito sam stvar uzela u svoje ruke. Doma sam imala hrpu rajfova koje nisam koristila, a cvijeće sam kupila u hobby artu. To dvoje i 20ak minuta = kruna za 20-25kn (ne sjećam se točno koliko su cvjetići bili, ali mislim da su ta dva buketića po 12kn bila)

Malo sam se previše raspisala, ali čisto da još jedan spojler ubacim – uskoro će ne postu biti jedan DIY – kako dosadnu jaknu malo osvježiti!

Zagrljaji i puse,


I know, I’m terrible. It has been a month and no post was published. I really would like to have a good excuse, but I do not have it. I tried to post on Facebook just so you don’t think that I have disappeared from the face of the earth, or God forbid that I gave up on the blog.

As for the outfit, I think there is nothing to add. This is classic summer combination that anyone could wear. The skirt was purchased at H&M and for a long time I thought that skirts that are A-cut are just not for me and I cried inside because of it, and then I saw this beautiful green one and said – why not - Yolo! I literally live in it, I should slap myself because I have some crazy ideas in my head and just nodding no-no instead of normally try and see how it looks on me. I think we all do that, so we should all slap ourselves now (Yolo).

Crop top was a gift and I needed my mother's help to put on the top edge rubber ribbon (because otherwise it would have been very "fun" for my boobs). The only downside is that you really can not have a bra, back is just too low-cut.

And now, my favorite part - the crown! I made it myself. I kept seeing crowns in stores, but they were all around 100kn (15$) , but I really did not want to give that much money for a few flowers. Obviously I took the matter into my own hands. At home I had a bunch of headbands that I used, and the flowers I bought in hobby art. That two and 20 minutes = crown for 20-25kn (3-4$)

Ok this was a long post, but here is another spoiler – I will post a DIY – how to transform old boring jacket into something new!

Hugs and kisses,


nedjelja, 26. lipnja 2016.

So Crazy That It Works?

Ljeto je stiglo, a s time i ispitni rokovi. Woohooo! Ali nema veze, mora se i to obaviti. Zato sam malo i spora s outfitima, a i kiša je padala non stop.

Mislim da je ovo prvi post u kojem se neću raspisati. Htjela sam ovu košulju obući, ali nisam znala što bi ispod. Onda sam naišla na ovu haljinu i došla mami – „je l' ovo kaos ili je tolko čudno da paše?“ Rekla je da je dovoljno čudno da paše, a kako sam u nekom ludom moodu odlučila sam se složit s njom.

U zadnje vrijeme sam opsjednuta s chokerima, još sam si ih par naručila, a ovaj lančić je Sexy Plexy i dobila sam ga od sestre za prošli rođendan!

To je to ljudi moji, umorna sam, moram učit, držite mi fige.

Zagrljaji i puse!


Summer is here, and so are the finals. Woohooo! But what can you do. Because of the exams I'm not very fast with the outfits, and it was raining all the time.

I think this is the firt post in wich I won't go on and on about everything. I really wanted to wear this blouse but didn't know what wo wear with it, then I came to my mom and asked her – "is this absoulte chaos or is it so crazy that it works?" She said it's crazy enough, and i went with it because I was in some wierd mood.

Lately I've been obsessed with chokers and I ordered a couple more, and the necklace is Sexy Plexy and I got it from my sister for my last birthday!

This is it folks, I'm tierd, I have to study, wish me luck!

Hugs and kisses!
